Lisa Richards, President and CEO, APAP at New York 2023 Conference.
Mentor and Colleague, Lisa Richards, President and CEO, Association of Performing Arts Professionals opened up the 4 day Event at the Hilton in New York City with Senator Chuck Schumer, Wynton Marsalis, Brian Stokes Mitchell and many more art and entertainment professionals. "There is transparency in everything I do. I am so excited to meet and learn from seasoned experts in the industry." said Renée Benot, President and CEO of Jonei Productions who is also a contemporary smooth jazz/pop, singer-songwriter. Jonei Productions has evolved into an equipped skill set of business development expertise. We continue to learn about the in-depth touring procedures, visas, placements, merchandise positioning, licensing, promotions and contract regulations. We are dedicated to creative management logistics and continue to expand our global network of professionals. APAP - NEW YORK 2023
#reneebenotmusic #APAPNYC #lisarichardstoney #ProfessionalDevelopment #joneiproductions #wyntonmarsalis #ChuckSchumer #brianstokesmitchell #music #artsandentertainment